Florida Teacher Fired for Violating DeSantis Critical Race Theory Ban


A Florida teacher was recently fired for refusing to remove a Black Lives Matter banner from outside her classroom, a direct violation of the Critical Race Theory (CRT) bill signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis earlier this year.

“Governor DeSantis has made clear his position on CRT. It is divisive, irrational, and has no place in our classrooms. CRT is rooted in Marxism, an anti-American ideology that has caused untold suffering and death everywhere it has been implemented. Moreover, CRT teaches discrimination based on ethnicity and racial background,” Executive Office of the Governor Press Secretary Christina Pushaw told The Epoch Times.

Amy Donofrio, the terminated teacher, is now suing the Duval County public school system. She argues the school violated her right to free speech and wants a jury trial, according to The Times.

Even though actions were taken against this specific teacher, parents are still concerned about the teachings in many textbooks throughout the state.

“I want my kids learning about math, science, language arts, history, and geography, among other things,” one concerned parent said.

“We have a race crisis that has been created in the mind only by the mainstream media and few powerful, yet feckless leaders in our government who must create a crisis to fix, as one does not exist in present day,” another parent added.

Critical Race Theory is a concerning and growing trend among progressive groups.

Many states and organizations are working to curb the spread of the theory throughout the United States. Many states have followed Gov. DeSantis’s trend to ban the teaching of CRT in public schools. Earlier this year, the Tennessee state legislature passed a bill to ban the teaching of CRT in public K-12 schools.

Additionally, the Center for Renewing America is exposing examples of CRT in everyday life.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Amy Donofrio” by Amy Donofrio. 






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4 Thoughts to “Florida Teacher Fired for Violating DeSantis Critical Race Theory Ban”

  1. Russell Starrett

    She is wearing a mask outside, therefore too stupid to teach children.

  2. Megan Coe

    Is this an opinion piece, or real news? With this, “ Critical Race Theory is a concerning and growing trend among progressive groups.” it’s hard to tell.

  3. Sue

    She is a fool. I recommend she grow up and do the job her employer demands.

  4. Robert James Macfarlane

    Best darn governor in the nation and “We the People” of Florida appreciate him.
